In 2013, the “Company Man” Will Become the Solopreneur

Our series of Work IQ surveys has continued to show that the work style and desires of modern workers is undergoing a drastic change, shedding light on a new, more independent generation of workers. Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, their priorities are shifting to place more importance on things like flexibility and mobility, wanting to take their work with them, rather than being confined to a desk.

It would seem that former corporate employees are also starting to re-evaluate their life direction and career paths, choosing instead to add to the ranks of small businesses. Since small businesses in America have generated 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs annually over the last decade, this may be exactly the boost the economy needs.

In 2013, we think that this trend will only continue to grow. The landscape of working professionals will continue to favor entrepreneurialism, independent working, and mobile working. And in doing so, more and more will wave goodbye to the corporate lifestyle and it’s demanding schedules and structured environments. 2013 is likely to see a continued growth in the number of what we’ve termed “solopreneurs”.

As the economy continues to show signs of improvement, the opportunities for solopreneurs will only continue to rise, and the tools available to them are becoming more readily available. Here are a few of the things that we think will be the solopreneurs best friend in 2013:

The Cloud: Being able to do business in the cloud has translated into increased productivity and efficiency for businesses across the board, and the associated costs are often minimal or even free. Taking advantage of tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, Skype and Quickbooks Online will give businesses owners and independent workers an opportunity to get the most value out of limited resources.

Alternative Workplaces: 2013 will be the year of the shared or alternative work spaces, like coworking spaces and virtual offices. As rent costs in desirable locations have continued to skyrocket, more and more professionals are turning to these shared spaces. In fact, our latest survey showed that 70% of workers today are working from alternative locations on a regular basis. Our recent surveys have also found that professionals who simply want to take their work on-the-go are also taking advantage of these resources in order to be able to stay productive without being confined to their offices.

Working from Home: In that same vein, more and more people are going to take advantage of the opportunity to work straight out of their home. New information from the US Census Bureau is showing that the number of people working from home at least 1 day a week has been on the rise for over a decade. And with the ability to conduct business in the cloud, productivity from home has never been so easy.

The opportunities for those wanting to start businesses, work independently, and work with more mobility are only going to continue growing in 2013. By taking advantage of the tools and opportunities available to them, this is likely to be the year of the solopreneur.

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